The appearance characteristics of the panda butterfly

Shape Characteristics of Panda Butterfly
Panda Butterfly

Panda butterfly is also called black-faced butterfly in Taiwan. This is because The panda butterfly has saddle-shaped black spots on its headrest, which is very distinctive. Many aquarists are also attracted by this characteristic of the panda butterfly. So what other shape characteristics does the panda butterfly have?

The body of the adult panda butterfly is tall and nearly round. The surface above the head is steep and slightly S-shaped, with a black spot on the upper part. The snout is pointed but does not extend into a tube, and the anterior nares have nasal valves. The edge of the anterior gill cover is finely serrated, and the gill cover membrane runs through the isthmus. The teeth of the two jaws are finely pointed and densely arranged, with 9 to 11 rows each. The body is covered with huge scales, arranged obliquely upward; the lateral line rises steeply to the bottom of the 9th spine of the dorsal fin and drops to the bottom of the base of the dorsal fin. The dorsal fin is simple. The vertical spot-shaped eyes are wider than the eye diameter; the headrest has a saddle-shaped black spot; except for the pectoral fin, which is light and transparent, the other fins are yellow; the soft rays of the dorsal fin and anal fin have black edges. Juvenile fish have a black eye spot at the end of the soft ray of the dorsal fin. When frightened or at night, the body color of the panda butterfly turns tan.

