Rottweiler breed profile

Introduction to Rottweiler breeds
Rottweiler (confirmed introduction)

Rottweiler (Rottweiler), also known as Rottweiler and Rottweiler, is native to Germany and is classified as a working dog by the AKC. Historically, this dog has been used to assist humans with tools, fighting, protection, etc., and is a multi-purpose, complex working dog breed. During the First World War, this dog was widely used on the battlefield as a military dog, and was gradually trained as a police dog in the mid-20th century. Currently, this dog is one of the most popular police dogs and military dogs in all countries in the world. After training, it can become a good family protection dog.
Chinese name:Rottweiler
Latin name:Rottweiler
Alternative names:Rottweiler, Rottweiler , Rottweiler, Rottweiler
Subphylum: Vertebrates
br> Suborder: Canis
Family: Canidae
Genus: Canis
Species: Domestic dog
 Subspecies: Rottweiler
 Typical: Giant dog
  Classification: Livestock and protection dogs, protection dogs, police dogs
Height:Male: 63-69 cm Female: 58-63 cm
Body weight:Male dog ( 43-59kg) female dog (38-52kg)

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